Monday, January 31, 2011

DAY 31

imikimi - sharing creativity This morning!! Kai is wearing hand me downs Elmo pajamas top. I still need to find the matching pants to it.. i think Kaleb still has it.

Anyhow, not much to talk about but Gabe, myself and the younger two went to C's school to watch the assembly on the Kindergarten playground.

back to school
imikimi - sharing creativityThis is Casey's 2nd time getting Student of the Month. :) And I think they said that she is the only kid in Kinder that got Student of the Month twice. WTG, Casey girl!

scrapbook 6 photos
imikimi - sharing creativity The kids having fun playing with the chairs.. Casey made a bed out of the 2 chairs and put Kai's blankets on. The kids were also watching TV.

Day 2 of being in underwear (she doesn't want to wear pull ups) and she stayed dry all day, even during nap time. Before dinner, she pooped in her pants. @@ But she did peed in the toliet 3 times today. WTG, Kairi!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

DAY 30

imikimi - sharing creativity I got some cute poses of my girls.

duo on green and blue background
imikimi - sharing creativity Kai is a very difficult subject to take pictures of. Only got two good pictures of her today.

Polka dot collage
imikimi - sharing creativity My beautiful Casey girl! She was a willing subject for me today and posed for me.

imikimi - sharing creativity The 2 K's bumped heads and rubbed their heads and said ouch but they laughed.

little rockstar
imikimi - sharing creativity Daddy wanted his shoes off but the kids decided to help him take them off.

In other news, Kairi stayed dry in her underwear all day since 11 am. She even stayed dry during nap time. WTG, Kai! Oh and we didn't go to church today.. so we missed the last installment of the Less Stress series.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

DAY 29

imikimi - sharing creativity The kids were talking to my mom on the phone and Kai was the only kid I was able to capture talking on the phone. Gabriel called my mom to let her know that we will msot likely not go to church or her house afterwards. Casey was sick with a cold and a cough. And we wanted to have rest time today and tomorrow so she can feel better for school on Monday.

Gold's Gym
imikimi - sharing creativityKaleb got a hold of daddy's two 5 lbs weights. :)

Crayon Frame
imikimi - sharing creativityHere is Casey's Kiindergarten class picture for this shcool year.. :) She brought it home last Friday and I kept on forgetting to post it. I hid the school name and the kids' names.

Friday, January 28, 2011

DAY 28

Daddy and Me
imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity Kaleb and Kai lie down with daddy. Kai did eventually fall asleep on the bed without her pull ups. She was wearing undies all day. She actually stayed dry during nap time. yay Kai and she peed in the toliet twice today.

Sleep tight my Baby
imikimi - sharing creativity Napping!!

black and white frame
imikimi - sharing creativityGabriel got his haircut. My best friend's niece cut it for him. :) Thank you!

In other news today, Casey got Student of the Month again for January. We are so proud of her. We will be going to the Kinder Assembly on Monday to watch her get it. :) I will take pictures of her getting it and have her take it with her certificate.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

DAY 27

imikimi - sharing creativityThe 2 K's on top of Sleeping Daddy!

BeverlyA    Sweet Dreams my love
imikimi - sharing creativity At nap time, Kai wanted to watch signing time and she fell asleep to it. Unfortunately she only slept for an hour. :/

imikimi - sharing creativity Casey wanted me to put a flower in her hair.

I Love My Cat!
imikimi - sharing creativityThe family's only surviving 10 year old cat, Chloe. Our 3 cats are on the Rainbow Bridge--RIP- Sherbert, Torker and Storm. Oh and a month ago, my in laws' old cat just joined on the Rainbow Bridge.

good night
imikimi - sharing creativity Good night daddy and Casey!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DAY 26

Mr Potato Head
imikimi - sharing creativity those are the potato head stuff.. it was supposed to put them on pumpkins. My dad and step mom got those for the kids. Casey put the earrings on Kai and I took a picture then Kai put the mouth in and i had to take one.. well, Gabe took that one. :)

Good Night...
imikimi - sharing creativity Geez i am always falling asleep at the computer. @@ You think i would ever learn. LOL Gabe took quite a few pictures of me in the past. those are tonight's pictures.

Kai dancing to Hot Dog Dance from Mickey Mouse Clubhosue.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DAY 25

Weight-in day...... 171.1

After I took a shower, i went to lie down and fell asleep.. slept on and off for 2 hours. Half way thru my nap, daddy put pull ups on Kai and brought her to me and she lie down and nursed herself to sleep. :)

here is Kairi Boo dancing to the Choo Choo Soul.

imikimi - sharing creativityKai wanted big sister to hold her and rock her to sleep.. not going to happen but i did let Kai be with Casey for a little bit.

Monday, January 24, 2011

DAY 24

Not much today.. I walked Casey to school and made it just as the warning bell went off. we were greeted by her bestie and her mom and walked a few steps to the gate to let the girls go to the line with their class. Casey was the only one on blue today since she was the only one that sit still and not run around in class and she was allowed to play in the play kitchen with the new girl, Paris. (she arrived to the new school/class about a week ago).

oh and she was send home a flyer about a yearbook from school.. 15 bucks.. i think we are going to let her get one. due in March so have some time to save money for her. yeah wait until next year when I have two in school. :D

imikimi - sharing creativity NO sissy as Kaleb seems to say as Kairi plays with his hair and tries to put it in a pony tail. :) :D

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAY 23

The family went to church and the littles went to their respective Sunday school classes. Kairi is doing much better.. she doesn't cry anymore and knows mommy and daddy are coming back to her and she knows the caregivers in that room. One of her caregivers said that Kairi will be moving to the 2 years old room in a few weeks. She turns 2 in March. Yikes!

Gabriel and I listened to the 2nd part to the Less Stress series. And sang songs. :) My mom would have come but she was sick the last few days. She said that she is feeling much better.

When we went to get the kids, Kairi ran to us as soon as she saw us. She was standing in the middle of the room, looking around. :) I am so glad that she is doing much better--not crying when we leave her. As for the older two, went to get Kaleb and he ran off to get sissy so they both can go out to the tent to get donuts. Gathered up their papers that the kids did in their classes, and got Casey.. one of her teachers told us that she knew 5 verses with a little help and got 5 stickers. I gave Casey a high five and said good job.

imikimi - sharing creativity Kairi in her Sunday School classroom. She has a cracker in her hand. :)

walk with Jesus
imikimi - sharing creativity Kaleb running to get Casey so they can go get donuts. Casey coming out of her classroom and you can see the 5 stickers on her dress (the red part)
Casey climbed up the gate to open it herself without mommy's or daddys help.

This afternoon after I finished yesterday's blog (was so tired last night to finish it) and went outside to play with the kids. :)

prplkises71 KIDS FRAME
imikimi - sharing creativity The kids did this while I was on the computer! Silly kids!
The kids lie down on Kairi's mattress while watching signing time before heading out the door to play outside.
prplkises71 CHILDS FRAMES
imikimi - sharing creativity It was a nice day out and mommy and daddy needs to go outside more often to play with the kids.

Dana-baseball frame
imikimi - sharing creativity

Saturday, January 22, 2011

DAY 22

yard work
imikimi - sharing creativity The kids were helping daddy pick up the leaves and put them in the recycling bin.

Computer Cat
imikimi - sharing creativity Hey, that is not a cat... that is a kid on my mat!! Kaleb was having fun being a cat lying on Chloe's mat. LOL

KD.- Don't be sad.
imikimi - sharing creativity Casey was sad because she wanted mommy and daddy to play baseball with her but we got busy so promised her that we will play with her after church Sunday.

imikimi - sharing creativity Casey wanted a colorful scrap!! She used one of her baby's blanket and use it. :)
Old photo sepia
imikimi - sharing creativity I wanted to do a old timer scrap.. cuz what she looks like is a old woman! LOL

Friday, January 21, 2011

DAY 21

It's Friday!!!

imikimi - sharing creativity I like this scrap but don't like the colors on my pictures. Oh well!! Tried to figure out how to get it back to original colors on the pictures. This morning, the younger two were eating pasta and playing nicely in the hall way. Well, about an hour later, there was an all out fight over a toy. @@ LOL

School days
imikimi - sharing creativity Casey got her award today at school Wish I was there to see her receive it. She got a certificate, a button and a pencil that says perfect attendance. I am so proud of her but I am also proud of me and Gabe for getting her to school on time everyday. :)

imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity She wrote My fat sat on the mat.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 20

imikimi - sharing creativity Casey and Kai were hanging out together while Casey was doing flashcards for homework and Casey put her arm lovely around Kairi. :)

prplkises71 CUTEST FRAME
imikimi - sharing creativity While trying to get Kai down for bed, I was catching up on some of my friends' blogs. On one of my April 2005 moms' blog, there was a cute picture of her little girl that stuck her tongue out and Kai took one look at the pic and stuck her tongue out at her. LOL

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DAY 19

Today Gabriel and I were working on going through boxes and moving our stuff from our storage to my mom's storage so we can pay less on storage. Anyhow, house looks a mess and hopefully we can have a yard sale soon to get rid of stuff.

here is a picture of silly Kairi! She is wearing a cinderella crown on her waist. :D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

DAY 18

YHappy Birthday to Me! eY

Before I headed to bed early this morning, this is what I found.

weekly weigh in-172.6

Oh and I had an appt with the ENT. It went fine and didn't find anything wrong so ordered a hearing test for me since it has been so long I had one. Waiting for approval.

Gabriel, the kids and I went to one of my favorite stomping grounds for dinner. A little Mexican cafe in my hometown.

Happy Birthday
imikimi - sharing creativity
imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity

Mexican chula
imikimi - sharing creativity Yummy! one of my favorite dishes!

imikimi - sharing creativity

Frame your loved one imikimi - sharing creativity
The kids raring to go outside!

Find Chloe, my fur baby! Chloe has tan/orange color fur!