Thursday, October 20, 2011

DAY 234-August 22nd

Happy Birthday, Elena!! (Kaleb's friend from play group)

Join Us On Sesame Street
imikimi - sharing creativity  The birthday girl with Sesame Street :)

Elena's mom made this.. she got this idea off the web.

Party Time
imikimi - sharing creativity Lots of fun.. running around, playing on the swing or slide, eating pizza, art work, games, prizes, cupcakes! :)

h4mr - pink, purple, blue
imikimi - sharing creativity  Musical Chairs

Casey and Kaleb were the last two for the musical chairs!  You will see who won. :)

3 frames
imikimi - sharing creativity
Kids lined up from birthday girl to shortest to the tallest kid.  Casey crouched down to make herself short because she did not want to be last to hit the pinata. :D

hitting the pinata
imikimi - sharing creativity 

happy birthday
imikimi - sharing creativity


imikimi - sharing creativity
imikimi - sharing creativity

this game is called tickle me.  the kids has to pass around Elmo and when the music stops, who ever has Elmo has to be tickled and is out of the game and it continues until there is one left and is the winner.  There were 2 winners since they played 2 games. casey was the first winner and a little girl was the 2nd winner.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 233-August 21st (Sunday)

Here is a picture of Casey girl on the bridge by the river at church. 

imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 232-August 20th

Angels' game day for the older two and daddy.  They went with my in laws.  I stayed behind with my silly  toddler.

Kiss - Miss Smiley!
imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity  after the game, they listened to a Christian music group called  Mercy Me.

DAY 231-August 19th

I was going through the kids' clothes in the closet and had the girls try on a dress each..  Both dresses were Casey's two years ago.. got the size bigger.  I think Casey may be able to wear the dress for Easter next year but we shall see.  On the other hand, the smaller dress seems to fit kai but it is a little long.  I think and I hope the girls can wear those for Easter 2012.   Oh and Kai's dress does come with the sash but can't find it at that time.  hopefully it will be found before Easter time.

black and pink
imikimi - sharing creativity

Pink And Green Floral
imikimi - sharing creativity

here is Kai in a blue dress i had her try on and she got ahold of the chips and sat down eating BBQ chips.. one of her favorite flavors.

Toddler Poem Frame
imikimi - sharing creativity

Then about an hour later, the shipment of school uniforms come in and I had the kids try on their clothes.   Fits just fine.. and look at how adorable they are.

Blue for You
imikimi - sharing creativity  bottom picture was the first one I took and the sun was in their eyes then I moved them out to the grass and that one was much better.  and then before going back in I had them stand/sit on the steps. :)

ten minutes later, Kai is in only underwear on the steps, refusing to put any clothes on. LOL... oy my 2 year!  Oh the steps are usually reserved for timeouts but she was not in time out that day.  Just didn't want to put any clothes on.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

DAY 230-August 18th

First picture is of my girls, well, Kai trying to climb over the gate and Casey helping her out.  I had a video of the girls.. hope i have it.

can't find it but here is a picture of my girls.   In the video showed Casey trying to help kai over the gate but she ended up opening the gate to let both of them in.
partners in crime
imikimi - sharing creativity

this evening we had the concert in the park.  don't remember what kind of music was played. 
imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 229-August 17th

Don't remember what we did this day..  but we were waiting for a shipment of school uniforms to come in from Wal mart.  I ordered it the week before. :)  Sorry no story or pictures.  i am still behind in blogging and am determined to catch up on all of August in the next few days.  Thank you for being patient with me.

DAY 228-August 16th

Happy birthday, little brother!  Hope it was a great day!

We went to the library for the 2 K's reading party that they did this summer.  Mom and Dad read 16 books to each child for them to get the special party. :)  The kids saw the puppet show (dad went with them as I stayed behind with Casey in the other room).  The puppet show was about the little engine that could.

imikimi - sharing creativity

their cerfication for mom and dad reading 16 books to them.

eating thier cupcakes!


choo choo train!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

DAY 227-August 15th

sorry I am so behind in this but I am determined to get all caught up and the rest of the year's blogging done by December 31st.

imikimi - sharing creativity  Casey and I were being silly, taking pictures of her in a banadana.  :)

Kairi's handiwork on the wall!  it is still up there today. :)