Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DAY 269-September 26th

Kaleb had to put together a "Me" box for school. So this past weekend,  I put the wrapping paper of frogs and balloons (two of his favorites) on the box and he looked for things that he likes and put it in the box.  He put in a puzzle piece (loves doing puzzles), a ball with Elmo on it (he won that at a birthday party), McDonald's figure (loves McD's),  Little People person and block (loves to play with it), a little book (loves to read), Pez (all 3 siblings collects them),  Thomas trains (loves them since he was 18 months old or 2 year old.  can't remember) and Scooby Doo with Shaggy (the older 2 likes to watch Scooby Doo. :)   I also included a couple of pictures in the box.

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 those are the 3 pictures I put in Kaleb's box..  I did this scrap months ago. :)
  My Kids
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Two more pictures--one of Kaleb with his rabbit Polka Dots (he didn't name him until he was 3)  and one with  Casey and Kaleb for their 2 year old  and 6 month old birthdays.  Yes I had to be partly in the picture because Casey would not take one alone with her brother. :/  
  jeans pocket frame -liz-
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DAY 268-September 25th

this past week we were putting our stuff in the garage because GG had bed bugs upstairs but we didn't have any downstairs.  Mother in law thinks we should clean up and have them spray our place too.  @@ @@  anyhow, that was one of the highlights of this past week.

Forgot to mention that Friday morning we went to a meeting called Safety 1st for the first grade parents.    The kids were going to have their own class once a week for 5 weeks to learn about stranger safety.

Anyhow, today is Sunday.. we went to Hope International University to listen to Rick Warren speak.  here is an article about him. :)  While Gabe and I listened to him speak, the older two were at the concert with Jana Alayra.   Here is her link...   I didn't take any pictures but here are two links of Rick  and Jana. :)  My older two liked the concert given by Jana.   Gabe and I enjoyed the sermon that Rick gave.  Kai was in the toddlers' room.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

DAY 266- September 23rd

We had a play date at my house after school on Friday.  We put out the dips and chips.. Kai got a hold of the bean dip and said it was all hers. LOL  Kids had a blast playing inside and outside.

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Meredith Hands Off!

Happy Times
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DAY 265-September 22nd

What to talk about today.  Well, it is November 28th and I am trying to catch up.. I am up to September 22nd.  Well, let's see here.. what did we do that day??  Well, i know that the older two went to school and that my in laws left that day and they are  to be gone for a whole week.  It will be pretty quiet around here.. the way we like it.  Sorry no pictures.

DAY 264-September 21st

Oh forgot to mention that the Fall fundraising kickoff started yesterday.  After school I was able to go watch Kaleb do his Tae Kwon Do class. :)  I took some pictures.


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first video of the kids are playing chopped.  One of their favorite program. :D   and the second video I asked the kids what they want to be when they grow up. :)

DAY 263-September 20th

While waiting for Casey to get out, I took a picture of the two new friends. :)

PxD-Purple Dust

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Here is a picture of the two brothers send by their mom to my phone. :)  Jakob wanted to feed his baby brother and got the chance to.   Kirsten, I hope you like this scrap of your boys. :) 

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DAY 262-September 19th (Monday)

Kaleb's full day at school-8am to 2:10pm. He has been going to school half days the last 3 weeks and now it is in their 4th week of school. :)  Kindergartners starts full day!

My good friend from Washington State had her baby boy this morning at 8:05 crying his head off.  The sweet baby boy weighed in at 7lbs 8ozs and was 20 1/2 inches long.

She texted me about 35 minutes after the baby was born.  :)  Congrats to Kirsten, Paul and big brother, Jakob!

for baby boy
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Sunday, November 27, 2011

DAY 261-September 18th

We went to church and I put Kaleb in bathing suit since the 3 year old, 4 year old and kindergarten playground will be have water sprinklers.  Casey's class is doing the obstacle course. :)  No pictures and we came home to hang out.

My friend is having a scheduled section tomorrow morning so I will be hearing from her via text. :)  Good luck to her.  This is her 2nd child.  Her oldest child is 6 like Casey.  They both are April 2005 babies.   I know I have a picture of those two somewhere.. argh!   Had to go on my facebook to download a picture LOL  Anyhow here is a scrap I just made.   The picture was taken at Disneyland 2 years ago. :)

h4mr - Mickey Mouse
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DAY 260-September 17th

We went to the park this afternoon to have a play date with Jamie's girls.  We didn't leave until 5 or 6ish and went home...  after all the kids went to bed,   my pregnant friend Kirsten and I texted each other for a few minutes and I realized that I missed her birthday the day before. So Happy Birthday, Kirsten! :) 

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boy with ice cream
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Summer Ice Cream Frame
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Monday, November 21, 2011

DAY 259-September 16th

We went to pick up the kids and ended up going to Jamie's house to hang out.  I don't think I have any pictures.  The kids had fun playing in Lovely's room.   Lovely has a little sister (Issabella) like Kaleb has a little sister.  Issabella is 4 months older than Kairi.  Lovely is exactly 5 months older than Kaleb. :)  How funny how that works out.  We made plans to go to a park the next day but not sure of the time.  We didn't leave until 530 or 6pm. 

Keep an eye out for Day 260- Day at the park.

DAY 258-September 15th

When I went to pick up the kids (minimum day),  I saw a mom with a hearing aid but didn't approach because she had to talk to the teacher.  Anyhow, tonight was Back to School night for the kids.  Oh fun we had!  We had to divide the time between two classrooms.  We went to the kids' lunch tables first then we went to room 6 to listen to the kindergarten teachers speak.  Then we went to Casey's classroom to talk to the teacher.. she said that Casey is doing good and we told her that we will try to be back if possible and she say not to worry if we couldn't.  We went back to Kaleb's class to listen to his teacher explain things.  Talked to her afterwards.  oh I forgot, I met the deaf mom when we were going to room 6.  We found out that we had the same name, we are left handed.. hehe and our kids are in the same classroom.  Kaleb made a friend named Lovely. :)   That is the deaf mom's daughter.
Sorry no pictures.

DAY 257-September 14th

After school we went to get the kids and went to the multi- purpose room for Kaleb's Tae Kwon Do class from 230 to 330. :)   Only one picture of Casey on the swings while brother is in class.  I stayed home with Kairi boo!

prplkises71 CUTE STINKER

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DAY 256-September 13th

No pictures for this day..  but Casey has to stay in school full day today (normally minimum day) but Kaleb gets out at noon (kindergartners). 

Let me see if i take any pictures a year ago today.. LOL.  okay didn't take any picture on this certain day @@  but it is cool looking back a year ago and see what my kids did.

DAY 255-September 12th

I had an appt that ran late again! @@  but Gabriel called the school to let them know that we will be late picking up Kaleb.  Kai fell asleep on the way to pick up Kaleb from school.   I found Kaleb on the bench by the front office with his teacher, waiting for me.
Cielo-My Baby Girl
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DAY 254-September 11th

We went to church to honor those first responders who died and who helped during the 9/11, 10 years ago.   We listened to a New York firefighter about 9/11 and his family.  Here are a few pictures that I took by the parking lot  where we normally park.
Kaleb's kindergarten class got to see the fire truck.  Casey as a first grader had slimefest.  :D

In Memory Of The Fallen..9/11/01
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After the kids went to bed, Gabriel told me that our beloved  cat passed away. :***(

Here are some pictures of Chloe through the years.  We had her for 11 wonderful years.  She was to turn 11 today. :(
Gabe's favorite memory of Chloe is that she would have a soft ball in her mouth.  One of my favorite memory of her is she would suck on my ear when she was a small tiny kitten.

In Memory of My Princess
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I love my Cat!
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Chloe was born September 11th, 2000 and she died on her 11th birthday.   Storm was born September 18th, 2000 and died March 16th, 2009.  My other two cats died before them.   RIP Sherbert (2005) and Torker.(2006)   I will try to find a picture of all 4 of them and put it on ASAP.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

DAY 253-September 10th

Only picture I took today.  Don't know why I didn't take one of the 2K's.

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DAY 252-September 9th

All 3 wanted to wear their red shirts and blue shorts.   :) two hours after dropping the older 2 off at school,  Kai decided to put on daddy's shorts. LOL

3 frames
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LOL smiley face

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

DAY 251-September 8th (Thursday)

Here are my school children in matching colors uniforms. :)  they wanted to be twins.  Kai in her Dodger shirt and Angels shorts. :)

Red Hot
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red and black frame
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DAY 250-September 7th

I didn't take any pictures.  Older two were in school but don't know what we did in the afternoon.  We had probably just hung out at home and only Casey had homework.

Forgot to mention that when I went to get Casey last week  from her classroom, the teacher told me that she loves her. :)  Wonderful student! :)

ugh I didn't take any pictures a year ago today.

I just looked at my calender and saw that Kaleb started a class. Forgot to add that Kaleb boy started Tae Kwon do class for 5 weeks. 

5 Frames
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DAY 249-September 6th

Back to school for the kids.. :)  Kaleb gets out at 12 noon and Casey gets out at 2 20pm.  Oh and I have a doctor's appointment, which took forever. We had to leave to go pick up my son so we told them that we had to leave and made another appt for the following week.


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The two younger ones after school and Casey was with us too (she was not asleep) and  not sure if we went somewhere. It  was about 4:19 pm when I took this pic.  Hmm.. Wish I remembered. :/

floresimikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 248-September 5th

Monday is Labor Day!  We just hung out at home.   Kids woke up before me and Gabe. Those are the pictures Casey took with my camera. :)

good morning
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DAY 247-September 4th

It is Sunday morning and we went to church.  A lot of people were  baptized at the 10 o clock service.  Then we went to Carl Jr for lunch.

Casey reads to her little sister. Wish I knew what book Casey was reading.
Our story time
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

DAY 246-September 3rd

Saturday we hung out at home..  but here is a picture of me and my kids during story time before bed. :)  I read Clara Wraps Up Warm.

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This is a cute book I read to the children.  Casey got this book as a gift from my aunt for her birthday or Christmas.

DAY 245-September 2nd

I was trying to take pictures of Casey with her friends or Kaleb with his friends that he met a few weeks before. :)  anyhow, here is one of Casey and her good friend Cheyenne. :) 
It is Friday and the 3 day weekend is coming up for Labor Day weekend.   The kids go to school for 3 days then off for 3 days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) then go back to school on Tuesday.  Oy1  Oh and I signed Kaleb boy up for TaekwonDo for 5 weeks. 

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DAY 244-September 1st

While the older two are in school, Gabriel, Kai and I went to Wal mart to get some groceries and a few other stuff. . What a big girl Kai is!  She wanted to hold a few things in the front with her. :)

Pink Cloudz
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DAY 243-August 31st


It is the kids' first day of school.   They are excited to meet their teachers and meet some new friends.  Kaleb had already met his teacher two weeks ago when he had Kinder orientation.   Kaleb will go to school from 8 to 11:30 for the first week.   Gabe, Kai and I went with them to their classes and talked to their teachers.
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The older two started school but the baby stayed home. 
back to school
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The kids walking to the gate at school. :)  Kai wanted to walk with her big sister and big brother.  She wants to go to school!
FiRSt DaY oF ScHooL
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Ready for her 1st day of  school!
Frist day of school

imikimi - sharing creativity  Look mommy a blue crayon!

HaPpy BaCk 2 ScHooL IsAiAh! :)
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Kai at school, enjoying herself during the kindergartners parent's meeting and then daddy had to take her outside and let her play on the swing. :)  She is not in school yet but we are thinking of putting her in preschool when she turns 3.

clematis blossom
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Best friends since kindergarten.. they met during summer kinder orientation. :)

DAY 242-August 30th


Cm-Portait collage
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Casey gets her cut first.  She picked this scrap. :)
beautiful pink scrapbook
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Then Kai, still unsure but lets Regina cut her hair.  Regina is my best friend's niece.

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Kaleb wanted his hair a little bit shorter this time. :) 
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

DAY 241-August 29th

Just one picture of Casey... don't remember why she did that.  The kids were able to go outside to play and enjoy the hot summer sun. :)  

DAY 240-August 28th

Sunday is normally  church day but did we go to church???  We probably did and used Gabe's grandma's car to drive to church.   Oh one little tidbit I forgot to mention yesterday,  my friend's twins and older daughter were baptized in the ocean in Huntington Beach and we couldn't attend.  WTG,  Tracy, Jackie and John!  May the Lord be with them!

The kids had fun playing outside.  The water fight started with the kids.  They found the water guns and filled them up and started squirting at me and daddy.  I went outside to get the hose and drench the kids  in my defense and we all had a lot of fun.  Gabriel took those pictures. :)

Kid At Play
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An hour later after the water play pictures were taken,  the kids wanted to climb all over daddy!