Saturday, December 31, 2011

DAY 248-December 14th

Took the kids to school and I helped out in reading and math classes and went home about 10ish or so.  Gabriel and  I think Kai went to the airport to pick up my mom.   Then they got back in time for Gabe and me to go pick up Casey and Kaleb. :)  Gene and Mary came over for dinner and gave us some pictures he created.  the last video was when we picked the children up from school and Kai had a toy microphone and was talking.   She is talking more and more everyday.   The black and white picture was taken by me and the rest was taken by Mary.  The video of Kaleb and me reading was filmed by Mary with her phone.   

Snapshots In Time
imikimi - sharing creativity


DAY 247-December 13th

Gabriel and I had a housing appt and after dropping the older two off at school (Ms. Huerta knew that I would not be there to help out) and dropped Kairi Boo at Jamie's.   The appointment took all of 2 hours.  Kids get out at the regular time since they get out early on Friday.  They start their Winter break after 1:15pm on Friday.   Oh there is a video that I forgot to post on December 9th.. it is on that blog now. :)  Anyhow, went to Jamie's to pick up Kai and jamie needed Gabe to fix some stuff for her before we left.   Got Kaleb's Santa picture and grades..  Wasn't happy with the grading for Kaleb..expected it to be a little higher or better..  and the teacher told us to  fight for speech for Kaleb.

Best friends
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DAY 246-December 12th

School for the kids and report cards comes in. :)  volunteering in Ms. Powell's and Ms. Perez's classes--reading groups and math.   Kids played with daddy before dinner.  If you can't see Kaleb, it is because daddy is sitting on him or he is hiding under the pillows. :D  Oh and Gabe took GG to the airport to fly to Vegas to stay with her son for a week.   Oh. only Casey got hers and her santa picture.   Kaleb's will come in tomorrow.    Casey did great on her report card.. she got mostly 3's and 4's and all E except for one S in effort for writing.

cheshire cat
imikimi - sharing creativity

Friday, December 30, 2011

DAY 245-December 11th

We missed church due to being tired and we overslept so we just stayed home and hung out.   here is a picture of Kai asleep with her hot pocket next to her.   

Minnie sleep
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DAY 244-December 10th

The whole family went to the Christmas parade and Jamie and her mom and girls joined us there.

Christmas 2011
imikimi - sharing creativity waiting for the parade to start!

imikimi - sharing creativity throughout the parade I took pictures at different times. :) the only one I didn't take was of me and my friend Jamie... hubby did. We got to see one of Kaleb's classmates at the parade.. her family  were sitting next to us.  A cute little girl named Estrella... I know her pretty well because i work with her and comforted her in time of need before.. :) Oh and Gabriel got a free santa hat that someone wanted to get rid of so that is the hat for Kaleb to wear in the Christmas program at school.

Winter Frames
imikimi - sharing creativity top left is McGruff and a cop, top right is McGruff high fiving the kids. :) bottom left is the kids' aunt Megan (red cap) and bottom right is my old government teacher at college (he is now the pro tem mayor) and his wife.

imikimi - sharing creativity We've watched cheerleaders, twirlers, marching bands, different floats, girl/boy scouts, PTA, WYN (after school program), Tae Kwon Do (Kaleb wants to go back to it) and etc. Can't think of what else right now.  Oh and mascots!  Many different things.. it was fun to watch but tiring to keep the kids in line LOL 

Photo Collage
imikimi - sharing creativity I was going to cut it down in size but this is the only one that is staying big. :)

We were enjoying the parade until we saw the banner of our school PTA and saw the PTA president Teresa and she saw us and said come and join us so the 3 kids (Casey, Lovely and Kaleb) and 2 adults (Jamie and myself) joined while Gabe and Jamie's mom stayed behind with the 2 toddlers and packed up the 2 strollers so they can meet us when we were done.  As I was walking and turning on another street, I heard someone call my name and it was my mother in law, father in law, sister in law and a couple of friends in the crowd.  I waved a feeble hi and walked to the end of the line (where the parade ends).   It was the first time our school did this... and was a last minute thing so next year should be much better and we will most likely be in it.. Casey will be with her girl scouts group when we do the parade next year. :)  Gotta be fun and busy!

anyhow, after we did our part in the parade, we texted Gabe to see where to meet them up at and go out to eat.  We watched the end of the parade once we found them.  We went to eat at La Pescadora in my town. The food was good but the service was lousy.  Ugh!   Anyhow, after we went out to eat, Jamie's mom took the 3 kids and Jamie back to their house then came back to pick up Gabriel, myself and Kai (she fell asleep in the stroller) to take us back to their house to hang out for a while. Jamie, her mother Marci, Gabriel and I chatted while the kids played (Kai never went back to sleep @@).   When we were ready to go,  Marci took Gabe home so he can get the car and come back and get the kids and me.    It was a very long day!

4 Frames
imikimi - sharing creativity

Thursday, December 29, 2011

DAY 243-December 9th

Pictures with Santa day.....   2 dollars each picture..   I helped out with the Santa pictures,  collecting monies, Ana (one of the board members) took the pictures.  We didn't get them at the end of the day.   Teresa, the PTA president told Gabe that we will get them on Monday.   One other moms wrote down the names of those who paid to take their picture with Santa.  Not all the classes did the group picture.   Here are the pictures I took of Kaleb ( I had to go get him since I had the money on me and teacher forgot), Casey and Lovely (Gabe brought the money for her and I went to get Lovely out of class to take the picture and take her to lunch).  I got a chance to talk to Casey's  beloved Kindergarten teacher and asked her if she knew that Alexandria moved away and she said yes and that she heard that Casey was devastated.  I told her yeah she was sad.  :(  Talked for another minute then gave her a quick hug before she herded her 2nd graders back to class.
Before the first group came, Ana took a group pictures of 4 mamas and a grandfather.   Before we did that, some of us decorated the tree. :)   I will scan the ones that Ana took when I get them back (in reality  I have them but will put it in December 12th blog.

merry christmas lights
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merry christmas lights
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merry christmas lights
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 Playdate at Lovely's house
Cat a.Fish and you?
imikimi - sharing creativityWanted to do a silly scrap.. What you think???? :D

Sleeping Kaleb at bedtime. We told the children to get in their beds and Kaleb lie down on his pillow and went right to sleep.
good night
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DAY 242-December 8th

No pictures for today but here is a story from last year.   Kaleb had to be taken to the ER because he tried to put a DVD in the dvd player and fell off the top bunk bed and hit the side of his head on the door jab or something..  thank goodness he didn't have any bleeding in his head or have a concussion.  We had to wake him up every 3 to 4 hours.   He somewhat learned his lesson.  Here is a scrap. 

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DAY 241-December 7th

Volunteered in reading and math classes and watched the kids at recess. :)  It was kind of cold so I had Casey wear her panty hose with shorts since she was out of uniform bottoms. @@

imikimi - sharing creativity Casey and her good friend, Cheyenne!

DAY 240-December 6th

No pictures! And I am going to put one of my favorite scraps for the week a year ago.  It was taken at church a year ago yesterday. :)

my kids-- 7 frames
imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 239-December 5th

Once at school to help out Ms. Powell with the 1st grade reading group and while waiting for the kids to go to their prospective classes,  Ms. Powell told me that she had to remind the new line leader to line up since Alexandria moved away last week.   She also told me that Casey cried. :**(  Poor Casey.. it was not the first time she lost a friend/classmate.  Last year in Kinder, a boy named Jason moved out of state.

After saying bye to Casey and Ms. Powell, I walked home and found my hubby and baby girl asleep.  Here is a picture.. :)

My house
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DAY 238-December 4th

Church and got some donuts then home..  We let the kids eat in the car! :D alas the younger two fell asleep (Kaleb did eat some of his donut but Kai didn't.. you can see the evidence.  Casey was eating hers.

my car
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kid car
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DAY 237-December 3rd

Gene and Mary came over to hang out and go to Palm park to have fun... we went to Taco Bell for lunch  first before going to the park.

I took some pictures and Gene and Mary took some pictures..  There is an edited video Gene took and edited. :) the first 2 scraps are the pictures I took.

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collage 10
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The next scrap and a video were taken by Mary or Gene. :)
picture collage
imikimi - sharing creativity

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DAY 236-December 2nd

Kids went to school and I volunteered in C's class and then went home after C's math class..  daddy went to pick them up and Casey announced that one of her good friend is moving away and was sad.  Today  was Alexandria's last day at school. 
 Here is a picture of her friend. :(  I know her mom as well.  

i miss you
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me and daddy
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Just got out of the bath and hanging out with daddy to go to sleep and Kaleb is just finishing up his bath when he decided to be silly. :)

my boy
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DAY 235-December 1st

Yesterday the leader of the Casey's girl scouts group called and said that the meeting for today was cancelled to an emergency.   So a play date with Jamie's girls was still on.  Forgot to add that while I was chatting with Jamie, the 2 best friends (Kai and Izzy) put their arms around each other and walked to the bedroom to play.  Awwwww..   No pictures but here is a scrap i did a year ago.. the kids' jacket that we bought at Old Navy.
oh and forgot to tell a story that happened on November 5th... Gabe and I were sleeping and the kids were up kind of early (it was Saturday).. and the kids wanted pop tarts.  the older two knew how to use the microwave and warmed their pop tarts.. well, Kairi put hers in and put it on for too many minutes and it was turning black when Gabe smell the smoke and ran in the kitchen to see what was smoky.   glad it did not turn into a fire and burn down the kitchen.  Oy!

3 Boxs
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DAY 234-November 30th

Today was the kids' end of 1st trimester at school.  I asked Casey's teacher about the grades and she said it won't be out until December 12th. :-/  anyhow, did my usual volunteering.    Go back to November 11th (Hockey game).. added another scrap. :)   Now there is no pictures for today or none from a year ago either.   Finally done with the month of November.  I am doing my best to catch up and finish out December before the New Years.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DAY 233-November 29th

No pictures again and don't remember what we did... but I know the older two were in school and had minimum day. 

Gabriel took Kaleb to the doctor to get him caught up on shots @@  He got 2.  Anyhow, while waiting for the nurse to call him, Gabe read him a book for homework and he fell asleep.  :D   He weighed in at 35.5 and height is 42 inches. :)   did hearing test and eye test and did fine on them.

here are the pictures my friend put together for me for my Christmas cards to send out. :)  He send me 2 choices. Now like both of them but don't remember which one I choose.. :)

DAY 232-November 28th

this was taken a year ago today. :) We didn't have any pictures from today. Casey and Kaleb went back to school after a long week Thanksgiving break. Oh and I added another scrap on November 24th.. i forgot about those pictures of Kai asleep. :)

kids photo album
imikimi - sharing creativity
the kids were sharing straws and cups.. :)  taken November 28, 2010! :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

DAY 231-November 27th

Church and hung out at home...  No  pictures for today.. but here are a few from last year when my mom made Thanksgiving dinner for me, Gabe and the kids.   My in laws were out of town last year so we got to use GG's place to hang out and have dinner.   We had it on a Saturday last year since we went to my dad's on Thanksgiving Day. :)  Anyhow, here are 3 scraps of the kids.
Happy Thanksgiving 2 frames
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3 Frames
imikimi - sharing creativity

Margarita- 4 Picture Frames
imikimi - sharing creativity I didn't realize until now that I put the same 2 pictures of Kaleb in it. I will have to check pictures on my flash drive if i ever find it. I know it is somewhere in the freaking garage.

DAY 230-November 26th

Off to my dad's for Thanksgiving.  Originally we were supposed to go on Thanksgiving Day but he got called in for work when planning this.  Anyhow, Gabe had to transfer the car seats over to GG's car since our car is low on gas. :/  I took some at my dad's house but the pictures were too dark and I couldn't lighten it up. :/  There was one picture that the older two were lying on the floor between the kitchen and dining room, playing with the interactive map. :)

Hearts w/2 frames
imikimi - sharing creativity

Saturday, December 24, 2011

DAY 229-November 25th

We woke up this morning to finish cleaning up around here and wait for Mary and Gene to get here.    They got here around 2ish i think..  Maybe they will correct me LOL  anyhow, Gene took a bunch of pictures like around 400 and we had a blast.  First we went to Central Park to take some Christmas pictures and let the kids play then Casey complained that she couldn't play on the swings since the swings were for babies/very young toddlers so we all agreed to head over to Palm Park.  played some more for a little bit until one of them were getting cranky so we were going to head home for dinner but instead we went out to McD's --Gene's treat!   Then we head on home to take more pictures and hang out together.  Gene is one funny guy!  We all like him! :)  The kids took a liking to Gene and Mary (the older kids (Kai was just a tiny  baby) had met Mary at a younger age but they didn't remember her).  Gene, I hope you like the scraps I found to put those pictures in. :)   all those pictures were taken by my friend, Gene! :)

Merry Christmas!
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Christmas Time
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imikimi - sharing creativity

Pastel Christmas
imikimi - sharing creativity  What a cute couple we are!

imikimi - sharing creativity

family christmas
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happy holidays
imikimi - sharing creativity

pictures for you
imikimi - sharing creativity done at both parks.. :)

imikimi - sharing creativity  taken at home!