Monday, May 30, 2011

DAY 145

Wednesday afternoon/evening, I went outside to sit on the bean bag to enjoy the sun and watch my kids.  My babies decided to climb up and sit with me and be silly.

Before I forget, this past Sunday after church (didn't write this in Sunday's blog),  I was lying down in bed (coughing and back was in pain), and Casey girl covered me up and gave me a kiss on the forehead.   What a sweetie.  I have been coughing on and off for a week or two.  Not good.

love my Mommy
imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 144

Hey it is Tuesday and daddy and Kaleb had a few sparring fun!   Later this afternoon, Casey had her first girl scouts meeting at a park not far from where we lived so we walked.  The girl scouts invited all girls from my hometown from Kinder to 3rd grade that are not in girl scouts yet to join. :)  I believe from Kinder to 2nd grade will be called Daisy but not sure of the 3rd graders. :)  

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girl scouts green
imikimi - sharing creativity  I stayed the first hour of the meeting while the girls listened and learned  the rules, learned the girl scout motto, slogan, sign, the Law and handshake..  they learned the quiet sign as well. :)  I went outside after the girls start doing their art work. While the girls did their art work and stuff until 4:45pm, Gabe and I watched the 2K's play.  Look below!

Childrean at play
imikimi - sharing creativity

Daisy Girl
imikimi - sharing creativity  This last 15 minutes of the meeting, the girls learned the Girl Scout friendship circle and the girl scout friendship squeeze.

Girl Scouts
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Friday, May 27, 2011

DAY 143

Daddy and Casey went to an Angel's game with his father and sister.  Kaleb was not happy.. poor kid!  This is Casey's 3rd game she've had gone and Kaleb hasn't gone to one yet. :(   Long story short, they didn't ask Kaleb but asked Casey.   Anyhow, daddy promised Kaleb that he will take him bowling on Thursday, just the two of them.

imikimi - sharing creativity

Thursday, May 26, 2011

DAY 142

Ground Breaking Ceremony at Eastside's New Campus
Sunday morning went to the new campus where the church will move in 2012 (projected).  Very moving service.  I will post the link to more pictures taht several photographers took.. I know they took some of my sweet little Kaleb and I am sure we were in some pictures.   I checked today to see if they had uploaded it yet.  Not yet.  But I will post it soon.
I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH animated balloon heart photo frames PURPLE
imikimi - sharing creativity Kaleb playing with a big orange balloon before the service. 

Memories are made of This
imikimi - sharing creativity My boy hitting the bucket to the beat of the music, my wonderful Interpreter and my hubby and the girls.  The cross was raised at  the end of the service moved lots of people to tears.

musical notes
imikimi - sharing creativity  Eastside's Christian Band!!  Love them!! 

picture frames
imikimi - sharing creativity  those were taken during & after the service.   Kai in the green frame was inching toward a ball so she can grab it.  Smart kid.  She did one more time by the interpreter.  While waiting for daddy to get back from the car, Casey looked bored in the pink frame. Anyhow, we had lunch there. 

I Dig Dirt
imikimi - sharing creativity  The kids are waiting for their turn to dig.  They loved it!   Before the service ended, a few important people, including our pastor, took the first digs.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

DAY 141

While Gabe and I did some stuff around the house (still need more work to do), the kids were helping Grandpa plant tomatoes.   Kai came in all dirty.  The older two didn't look as bad as Kai.

While Kai had her nap, Casey was over at Grandpa & Grandma's for a bit and Kaleb wanted to play with Wii with mommy and daddy (we still needed to eat lunch).

E2_Frame kid's
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imikimi - sharing creativity/After she read me a book, she grabbed another book and read in bed.  She did fall asleep 5 to 10 minutes later after taking this picture.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

DAY 140

It's Friday and kids are having fun, dressing up in costumes. Yes, Kaleb is dressing up in girls' clothes and not his boy costume. All in fun!

The Bust the Boogie Man Dust came in the mail for Kaleb and the older two were interested in what it was and wanted to do it at that moment and I said tonight before bed. Thanks, Mandi!!

imikimi - sharing creativity  The kids having fun dressing up.  Kaleb is using the broom to stir the big pot! :)

imikimi - sharing creativity  Thank you Mandi for the Bust the Boogie Man Dust.  Kids love it!!  They scared away all the boogie men and monsters. :)  Since I am writing this Saturday afternoon,  the kids did come to our bed last night. :/

Here is a video of the kids scaring away the boogie man and monsters.

Friday, May 20, 2011

DAY 139

Thursday morning Casey woke me up, wanting me to make her lunch and take her to school but told her taht I told her that i don't think you will get ready  by 730 for me to walk her to school so daddy will take you but i can make your lunch.  After making her lunch and letting her pick out her clothes, i climbed back in bed as Gabriel climbed out of bed to take her to school.  After sleeping for antoehr hour or two, the younger two and I had a tug a war with my sheets and blankets started by Kaleb.   Guess who won that war?!?  LOL 
Didn't think Gabriel would take a picture of me after the kids took all my covers. :-O  Ugh I look a mess! LOL

imikimi - sharing creativity

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DAY 138

Not much done today.  But we went to the PTA meeting to discuss the Pride Night.  While we did that, the kids sat in the back of the room and "read" or look at books. :)

Three things I forgot to mention in  my blogs the last  few weeks..  first of all Casey has 2 loose tooth on her bottom next to either side of her newly adult teeth.  So that will be number #3 and #4.

Secondly, she had an embeded backing of an earring in her earlobe but luckily was able to get it out so no earrings for a few days. 

lastly,  I don't remember what the 3rd one was.  I had it in my head 20 minutes ago and it all disappered. :/

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

DAY 137

Today I did some laundry and picked up throughout the house.  Signed Casey up for Girl's Scouts for 5 weeks to see how she likes it.  She brought the paper home and I asked her if she wanted to try out for that..  So first week will be next Tuesday. :)
Finished a badge from Pogo and my friend came on to chat with me.   Her name is Robin and I have known her for 20 years (maybe a little bit more than that).  We call each other cousins and we tell people that too only because people mistake us for sisters or twins. 
Gabe went to get Chinese food and to my amazement I finished my dinner.  :-O  I had orange chicken and steamed rice.. Yum! 
bathed the girls (Kaleb didn't want one tonight) and got them ready for bed.  Kai fell asleep first by 830 then Casey by 9ish (she won't go to sleep with the light on but Kaleb is scared of the dark) and then Kaleb finally by 10.
Watched Biggest Loser and trying to finish this blog for the night.  Sorry no pictures of the kids. 
so I will sign off here and say good night until tomorrow's blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DAY 136

Monday was not a busy day but I did some dishes and tried to clean up the living room and vacuumed.   I have a few pictures of the kids and some videos.

imikimi - sharing creativity  Kai sat on the chair that was on her bed (she didn't last long in it).  The only reason I had it on the bed that i had to make room for the plumber to go through to the bathroom.

The kids having fun with their daddy.  Enjoy the vidoes.
imikimi - sharing creativity  Having dinner and watching TV.

Kai's baby sign for butter. :) 
imikimi - sharing creativity  Our precious Chloe was mewoing for her food.. Gabe was out getting more wet food for her.   Kai heard her and tried to say Chloe and I think she did say it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

DAY 135

It is Sunday and we went to church.  Yay!  Came home and hung out.  Talked to my mom on IM and web cam. 

Gabriel's parents and sister went to San Diego to see Gabriel's dad's parents to get the Jeep. 

Casey decided to try a egg and ham frozen burrito that was spicy.  She liked it but was being funny by saying that her pants are on fire. 

No pictures today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

DAY 134

We had  a busy afternoon.  We went to Casey's Tae Kwon Do graduation at the dojo.  She would normally have her class at school after school but since last Tuesday was her last one.  She can't decide if she wants to do another 6 week for 99 dollars (they did 5 classes for free sponsored by the PTA) or find something else she is interested in (Cheer leading, Hockey (yes hockey), baseball). 

The kids from Casey's school did their workout and did a breaking of the board ( I missed taking that picture of Casey as daddy held the board. but one of the PTA dads who we happens to know will give us a copy).  I will post it on this week as soon as I get it.

 The demo team did a bunch of demonstrations for us.  It was cool and impressive. :)  Reminds of the kick drugs all star team from Walker, the Texas Ranger.  Wish I did the video but I was trying to conserve the batteries.   Yeah yeah I forgot to charge up the battery this morning.  :/

oh Casey's grandmother and great grandmother came to the graduation. :)  

casey's graduation at dojo
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imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity

Friday, May 13, 2011

day 133

Today was kind of a busy day.  I got all 3 up and got them all ready so I can walk Casey to school.  MIL offered for her husband to take Casey to school but C wanted to walk with mama and the younger two could stay with their grandmother but they both wanted mama.  So off we all go to school with the 2K's in the stroller.  Got there with the warning bell about to go off in a minute, gave Casey girl a hug and said to be good, have fun and be nice and love you.  She gave her little brother and baby sister a kiss and a hug. :)

On the return trip home, Kaleb wanted to walk @@ and I should have put Kai in the back seat of the stroller which may have made the stroller easier to push.  We stopped at one of the houses that had 4 dogs and they wanted my kids to play with them.  The kids did pet one of them.

Kids snacked all morning.. go figure LOL  and I did some laundry and dishes.  I was doing my blog on and off all afternoon to get all caught up to today's blog.

Gabriel text me that  he was leaving finally about 11:30 so that means I had to go pick up Casey girl.  Grrr.. since it was a little too warm to walk so mother in law said that we all can go pick up Casey since Gabriel left the car seats in case. 

About 1:10ish I fought with the car seats and seat belts to get them in. @@ She  left to take GG to her hair appointment then came back to get us.  I was the only one that knew how to buckle in my kids.  Well, Kaleb can do it but i had to make sure it was on right and tight enough.  Went to pick up my kindergartner--had to wait about 10 minutes total (substitute teacher and didn't have the keys to the gate so had to wait for the other class to show up).  Got Casey in after a few minutes of her talking to her friends/classmates.  Off we go to pick up GG from the hair salon.

Gabe got home about 4:20ish and looked so tired.  We were going to either get something to eat or go out so we decided to do that tomorrow after Casey's tae kwon do graduation.  So I had to search the kitchen for food and grab a bunch and gave kids and hubby a choice of what they wanted.   Kai did not eat much since she did not really nap.  She nursed and was out in 10 minutes.. (7:30ish) and got the kids in bed by 8 . As I am typing this at 915 pm, the kids are still not asleep.

Sorry no pictures for today.  You may have a treat for tomorrow's blog--coming up Casey's tae kwon do graduation.

Wow this is the first time I have written a long story in a blog. :)

DAY 132

Thursday about 1ish, Gabe left for Vegas.   Anyhow, here are a couple of pictures of the kids with costumes on.  They had a blast.   And Casey pronouncing Kairi's name...a lot of people have trouble saying or figuring out how to say her name.

kids frames 201
imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 131

Wednesday we got to talk and see my mom through the web cam after a few attempts.  Gabe went to the PTA meeting without me so after IM'ing my mom, I made the kids dinner and bathed and got them ready for bed.  Gabe got home just in time to help me finish getting the kids ready for bed.  He told me that tonighit's meeting was talking about Pride Night on June 2nd or 3rd (now i don't remember) and there is one last PTA meeting next Tuesday.  
Gabe is leaving Thursday to go to Vegas to take a bunch of stuff to my mom.  And come home on Friday.
No pictures here.

DAY 130

It's Tuesday morning and I don't think I took any pictures.   But here is a picture of Casey's quilt she got from Noni for her birthday. Never mind I did take a picture of my girls taking a nap after Gabriel picked up Casey from school and her last tae kwon class (Her tae kwon class graduation is Saturday).  He went to the market while I tried to get the kids to lie down and take a nap. Well, 5 minutes after Gabe left, the girls fell asleep (I had to nurse Kai) and Kaleb went upstiars to play quietly.  Normally Kai is the only one taking a nap--sometimes I have to force the older two to nap without any success. :/

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Sleepy Time Baby
imikimi - sharing creativity

DAY 129

Casey all better to go to school!  Whew!   Only one picture of my youngest child.  Since I am behind in my blogging.  I don't remember what we did that day.  LOL

Chocolate sauce
imikimi - sharing creativity what Kai is holding is not filled with sauce but powder..  can't change the wording but you get the picturte.  i like this scrap. :)

DAY 128

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday morning, we decided to miss church this morning so Casey can be all better for school Monday.  Gabriel's mom and dad did the first couple of hours, manning the yard sale then we manned the tables from mid morning to afternoon.  The F5 (our last name starts with F and 5 is the 5 of us) made 93 dollars and 50 cents, GG made 23 dollars and 25 cents and his parents made 30 bucks.  The rest of the stuff that didn't sell went to Good will's, an upscale collectible store and an old bookstore.  We did take a few things back...:D Casey and Kaleb helped a little putting things away. 
The WonderPets
imikimi - sharing creativity  After Casey put it in the shed, she said "teamwork" :)

We had dinner with my in laws, sister in law and GG.  Roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and jello with fruit in it.  It was good.

Here is the gifts Casey made at school for me for mother's day. :)

Mother's Day Printable
imikimi - sharing creativity  Casey's mother's day art work for me done at school.   I love it!

I had Casey take a bath and the younger two to put on pajamas.   While bathing Casey, my son went upstiars to have GG help him put on jammies and he went across the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house and lie down on the couch and fell asleep within 5 minutes.  After I was able to get my girls settled down in bed asleep, daddy went to get him to his bed.

imikimi - sharing creativity

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

DAY 127

Saturday we had a yard sale.  Met all sorts of people. :) 

Casey is much better but needed her to relax part of the day.

4 Frames
imikimi - sharing creativity  I should have taken pictures from the street :)

Pretty flower 4 frames
imikimi - sharing creativity  The many faces of Kai!  My favorite one is the one she is behind the bush.

DAY 126

On Friday,after dropping Casey off at school, i went to the all purpose room for the mother's day breakfast and stayed for an hour and Gabriel and the kids came to pick me up.

 The 2 K's, Gabriel and I went to Wal mart to get a few things like laundry stuff, cleanser, and other stuff I can't remember and I saw a toddler bed that Kai needed badly.   We had to debate on if we should get it or not.. decided to get it. :) Put it together that afternoon... he started it and I fnished it.  Kai loves it but won't sleep thru yet.  Eventually she will. :)  I need to think about putting Kaleb's bed on the ground floor so we will be thinking of taking all the dressers out and put closet organizers in the closet for all 3 kids' clothes.  All of them like to pick out their own clothes (Casey doesn't have much choice during the week since we made her wear uniforms).  Here is her new bed! :)

Friday afternoon, Casey came down with a fever and slept on and off all afternoon.  she didn't eat dinner and she threw up twice.  Ugh! Poor kid! 

GooD NiGHt
imikimi - sharing creativity

Monday, May 9, 2011

DAY 125

Mother's Day on Sunday so I will do a scrap of a favorite picture of me with each child since I didn't take any pictures on Thursday.  :) Enjoy!

Cielo-My Baby Girl
imikimi - sharing creativity  15 months old Casey with me on July 23, 2006.  This is one of my favorite pictures with Casey. 

Mommy's Baby Boy
imikimi - sharing creativity  Not very many pictures of me and Kaleb either.. I like this one.  This was taken when I had a meet up wtih one my April 2005 mommies, Mandi.  It was in June 2007.  Kaleb at 8 months old.

baby girl frame
imikimi - sharing creativity  Almost 6 months old Kairi wtth me at Dinseyland.  We met up with another April 2005 mommies, Kirsten and her family, on September 6, 2009.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

DAY 124

Sisterly Love
imikimi - sharing creativity  Kaleb is awake holding baby sister's hand while Kai naps.

DAY 123

 Tuesday there are no pictures taken but Casey went to her Tae Kwon Do class and had fun.  Gabe and I were trying to clean out the garage and go through stuff for yard sale, to keep and put in storage.
Oh heard from my mom with an email, she got to Vegas safetly.

Since Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday, here are a couple of  pictures of me and my mom.  :)

Mother and daughter
imikimi - sharing creativity Big picture.... me and my mom on my wedding day and  small picture... my mom and me as a baby.

DAY 122

Monday, May 2nd.  I didn't realize it was already May 1st on Sunday. LOL.  Not much here except taht we said bye to my mom as she moves to Vegas.  Casey has tears in her eyes as she went to say bye to her before going to school.   The younger two doesn't get it yet.

imikimi - sharing creativity i think we were doing the dishes or something in the ktichen and the kids were in the hallway reading books.  Kai was too but threw her book before daddy could take one of all of them reading their books.

We were having poor boy sandwiches and this is what Casey wanted in hers. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

DAY 121

We did not go to church as we were tired from yesterday's festivities.  We hung out at home and went through the stuff from my mom's house.  Got that done but allergies really kicked me in the butts and still is as I am typing this at almost 1am on Monday morning. :/
I took some shots of my girls before leaving for Denny's.
While we were getting ready, Kaleb did not want to go and he wasn't feeling great. We went to Denny's and had a blast.  Have a video of my girls.  And a picture of my only boy.

2 pink frames
imikimi - sharing creativity My beautfiul girls in their dresses and yellow leggings. The quilt they are lying on is Casey's new one from Noni for her birthday.

My girls dancing to a song in Denny's.

Frames by linda
imikimi - sharing creativityKaleb much happier and holding Polka Dots.