Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAY 23

The family went to church and the littles went to their respective Sunday school classes. Kairi is doing much better.. she doesn't cry anymore and knows mommy and daddy are coming back to her and she knows the caregivers in that room. One of her caregivers said that Kairi will be moving to the 2 years old room in a few weeks. She turns 2 in March. Yikes!

Gabriel and I listened to the 2nd part to the Less Stress series. And sang songs. :) My mom would have come but she was sick the last few days. She said that she is feeling much better.

When we went to get the kids, Kairi ran to us as soon as she saw us. She was standing in the middle of the room, looking around. :) I am so glad that she is doing much better--not crying when we leave her. As for the older two, went to get Kaleb and he ran off to get sissy so they both can go out to the tent to get donuts. Gathered up their papers that the kids did in their classes, and got Casey.. one of her teachers told us that she knew 5 verses with a little help and got 5 stickers. I gave Casey a high five and said good job.

imikimi - sharing creativity Kairi in her Sunday School classroom. She has a cracker in her hand. :)

walk with Jesus
imikimi - sharing creativity Kaleb running to get Casey so they can go get donuts. Casey coming out of her classroom and you can see the 5 stickers on her dress (the red part)
Casey climbed up the gate to open it herself without mommy's or daddys help.

This afternoon after I finished yesterday's blog (was so tired last night to finish it) and went outside to play with the kids. :)

prplkises71 KIDS FRAME
imikimi - sharing creativity The kids did this while I was on the computer! Silly kids!
The kids lie down on Kairi's mattress while watching signing time before heading out the door to play outside.
prplkises71 CHILDS FRAMES
imikimi - sharing creativity It was a nice day out and mommy and daddy needs to go outside more often to play with the kids.

Dana-baseball frame
imikimi - sharing creativity

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